Friday, July 29, 2011

Finding myself anew & pieces of paper

Deciding on a career change at my age is like finding myself anew. I have to analyze who I am and what I really want to do. What one job could possibly include all my greatest interests and skills? Or at least enough of them to keep me interested? That is what this blog is about. Okay, I admit it. I am mostly talking to myself. It helps me sort things out sometimes.

Now I could go back to just interpreting (Sign Language.) But there are a few problems with that.

  1. I don't have a degree in interpreting. These degrees came long after I joined up.
  2. I don't have current certification (or QAS). I had certification years ago, but let it lapse, as it had no application to my job for about 20 years.
These two issues alone are huge. I could perhaps find an interpreting job where they don't get the interpreter is a skilled professional, and pay accordingly, but if I find a position open where they pay a reasonable rate, they are going to expect certification and/or college.

I have the skills for the job, I'm just lacking the pieces of paper to prove it.

Note: I'm writing informally, well aware of the fact that I will start some sentences with "and," finish them with "to" or use sentence fragments. I'm doing that on purpose. It is a conversation, not a formal treatise. I could go through the blog and revise everything to cut out these things, but this is more fun. 

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