Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bradenton Florida--my city of choice

Thinking on paper

I've spent a lot of years living outside of the country in big, dangerous cities. Now that I am back in the USA, I'm very happy to be here in Bradenton, FL. The only problem about living in a smaller town, is there are fewer opportunities for jobs. Add to that that I don't know many people in the work force here. Most of the people I know are retired missionaries. Tricky.

If nothing turns up here, I have two other options: move to a larger city, or start my own business. I don't really want to leave Bradenton. I love it here. And likewise, I don't especially want to start a business, because frankly, I'm winding down, not winding up my career!  As a missionary, practically speaking, I've had my own "business" for many years. I've been making decisions and employing others, and establishing a school for the deaf. I've taught workshops for teachers and others. I've been at the head, making lots of decisions. I loved it. But now I think I would rather let someone else take the lead, and just be a supporter of them.

Starting a business in the USA is tough. It means a lot of requirements; frankly, the USA has rules and licenses for everything you can imagine, not to mention the tax aspects of a small business. I'm just not sure I am up for that, even though I would obviously make more money than as someone else's employee.

Money has never been my focus. I make it a practice not to work for money--that is, money isn't my main goal in a job. I have to love the job too. I have to have passion for it. Nevertheless, I do want to make enough to live here comfortably. I say comfortably, not meaning in a style of extreme wealth. Middle class is all I'm looking for. I've spent a lot of years living in poverty, by choice, in order to do the mission work. It was a very stressful life. Now I'm 57 years old. I am tired of that kind of stress. I would just like to get a job that I can enjoy, that will enable me to stay in Bradenton.

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