Thursday, May 31, 2012


It has never been my ambition to be a good worker. It has always, rather, been my ambition to be an excellent worker. Now you cannot begin most jobs as an excellent worker, because it takes some time to learn the "culture" of the place you are working. It takes time to know the job well. So it is normal to start out as a good worker, or even just an okay worker. But the worker who doesn't progress from there? Well, that is the worker who works just for the paycheck, but has no passion for the job. My advice to people who hate their job? The first thing is, work harder! Often that will cure you of disliking a job. Of course if it is a job you hate just because you are not suited for it, then it is time to quit. It isn't fair to an employer to do just enough to get by. It doesn't say good things about you either. Be excellent or begone!

By the way, I remember years ago hearing that if I didn't get a college education I would end up in some dead end factory job. I have to tell you, I once had a factory job. I loved it. It was repetitive. All day long, I did the same thing over and over. I stacked up little blocks and put them on a pallet. That was it. How could I enjoy that? I made it a game. I tried to be the best I could at it. Indeed, it seems I was the best they had seen in that job for some time!

Meanwhile, since the work was so repetitive, and in a noisy environment, I spent my days thinking, praying, and singing at the top of my voice. No one could hear me; I wasn't bothering anyone. I loved that my brain was pretty free all those hours. It was my own to think about anything I liked. Once I got the hang of it, it took very little brain processing to do a good job. I kept stacking, and kept enjoying myself.

Now that job was less than ideal. It was hard work being on my feet all day. I was pretty tired and grubby when I got home. My clothes were filled with sawdust, and my hands with splinters. Sometimes we had unannounced overtime. It was cold in the factory in the winter, and hot in the summer. But I was still able to enjoy the job, even in the somewhat poor work conditions. Would I take that job again? You know, if I could make a living on it, I guess I might! But being a lot older now, I might not last a ten hour shift on my feet. Part time? Sure!

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